by Noble Physiotherapy | Nov 12, 2021 | Injuries and Pain
5 Ways To Reduce Your Risk of a Running Injury With covid lockdowns over the past couple of years and the closure of gyms and the shutdown of most community based sports or activities, there has been a big spike in people taking up running or getting back into a...
by Noble Physiotherapy | Mar 18, 2021 | Injuries and Pain
The three MOST IMPORTANT things you can do to stay pain and injury free! We have all had our fair share of aches and pains; some have had it worse than others. Most of us just accept it as a part of life and many people blame things like ‘getting older’ as the reason...
by Noble Physiotherapy | Feb 11, 2021 | Injuries and Pain
The BEST three things you can do to help prevent back pain Back pain is the most common cause of musculoskeletal pain and by some distance. Back pain can arise from seemingly nowhere and can have many different causes and contributors. In nearly all cases of back...
by Noble Physiotherapy | Nov 30, 2020 | Injuries and Pain
Glute Tendinopathy or Lateral (Side) Hip Pain Gluteal tendinopathy is considered the primary cause of lateral (side) hip pain, however, there are many different diagnoses. Some of the less common causes of lateral hip pain include pain referred from the lower back,...